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Edith Wakelin-King


Edith played her first video game in 1998 and nothing else has quite compared since. When she's not holding a controller, she's holding a pencil instead, creating worlds and characters probably based on some form of mythology. 

Work experience

 Lead Artist for Disaster Masters - card game

​2017 - ongoing


Working with a small team to produce a creative party game in which 3-8 players argue over how best to overcome cliche catastrophes using their (most likely useless) item cards.

Information about this game is coming soon.

Illustrator for Fan-Project 'YGOReanimate'

​2017 - 2018


YGOReanimate, organised by fans of the 1998 manga/anime 'Yu-Gi-Oh!', is a project to reanimate episodes from the TV show that were lackluster in quality. I provided a background illustration of a still scene, working within a deadline and under the direction of the project leader. Watch the finished episode >here<. My contribution can be seen at the timestamp 7:30.

2010 - present
2010 - present

Bachelor of Design (Games) - RMIT Melbourne

​2014 - 2017


​Studied character design, narrative design, 3D modelling, coding, and used a variety of software including Unity, Maya 3D, Adobe Photoshop and AfterEffects, and Twine. During this time I learned how to work effectively with a studio of peers working together to produce a game, and learned the practices of the business.

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